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Week 32 of the 2023-2024 School Year


I hope most of you continue to dodge these weird Springtime germs! Lots of little viruses floating around (on top of a serious case of Senioritis!) 

We had a fun, sunny, and busy week!

We are having our annual fundraising YARD SALE on May 17th (and probably 18th.) If you have items to donate, please bring them to the school and you can leave them in the new building. 

Boston trip has received an extension for registration! It is 100% refundable if we cancel. The cost is about $1,200 per student but will go down if we have more people sign up. PLEASE register! Please do not wait. Register now if you want your child to go to Boston with the school next year! This extension will end in a few weeks. 


May 10th. 

Boarding at 5:30, set sail at 6pm and will return at 8pm. The ship is docked in Harbor Town at the Sea Pines Resort in Hilton Head. There is a $9 (per car) parking fee. 

Attire should be formal. (If there are parents driving who have room in their car, please let me know as I have a student looking for a ride home.)

The Spring Show May 30th! 

Mark your calendars! This is going to be a great showcase filled with music, poetry, cheer, and more! There will be chairs, but I suggest that you bring your own comfy folding chair because this show will run long!

Did you hear all about the white water rafting? Are you jealous and want to see pics?

Parents can access the photos online! They will need to go to Then click on the tour time for your child. (There are other school aged students in some of these groups- just skip) Here are the days and times we went rafting:

Nantahala River Rafting:

4/24 – 2:00 PM

4/25 – 10:00 AM

4/25 – 2:00 PM

4/26 – 10:00 AM

TCS Summer Camps (Let me know if you are interested)

1) Ms Hannah and Ms Jasmine will run a Figure Drawing Art Intensive camp this summer again. The hours will be 9:30-12:30 and the dates are the weeks of July 15 and 22. $225 per week, or $400 for both weeks.

2) NEW summer camp at TCS: Mr. Henry is running a Fantasy Adventure and Fight Club (Official name to come) Save the dates: the weeks of June 17 and 24 (Price TBD)

3) Music Camp: dates and price TBD- will confirm soon

Are you good at construction?

I am determined to rip out the disgusting front bathroom and replace it this summer. Anyone particularly able to help? shoot me a text if you can help with labor, know-how, or happen to have an extra toilet or sink. 

Cheer Team!

Are you interested in joining the TCS cheer team next year? Tryouts are next week after school Monday-Wednesday.

Friday 5/3/24

9:30-12:30 Ms. Nancy's Photography CRAFTs (can you say, "Mother's Day presents!?!?!") 

9:30-12:30 SAT Review with Ms. Jasmine

More Dates to Remember: 

May 27th- no school

June 4th- Science Fair (Families are welcome to come!)

June 5th- Celebration of Achievement (Families are welcome to come!) and yearbooks

June 6th- LAST DAY! Typically we have an ice cream truck, the fire engine, games, and more down at the park...but with construction our plans are in flux...I'll keep you posted. 

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