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Week 32 2022

Hello TCS Families!

The weather this week was remarkable! Many of our classes "took the show on the road!"

The poetry class performed outside, the applied math class went on a field trip to the Piggly Wiggly, the middle school made paper, and other classes took notes in the sun!

Some things to remember:

1) The Spring Show is May 26th! Get ready!!! Ms. Viena will be sending out an email with more information soon.

2) The Sports Banquet is June 1st at 6pm at Moss and Hatchet

3) There is a Figure Drawing class being offered this summer. Please see the attached flyer. Spots will fill up quickly- community members are welcome. Please sign up if you are interested- or share with a friend.

Thanks to everyone who was able to come out for the Town Hall meeting!

On another note- thank you all for your texts, prayers, and vibes for my dad. He is home from the hospital and is working on healing. He is still having difficulty with speech, but we are hopeful that with some time, therapy, and love he will be back in action.

I will see many of you at Prom tomorrow night :)



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