Hello TCS Families!
What a CHAOTIC first week! I'm excited to report that the new building is finally open and we began using it at 10am today! It makes all the difference for spacing us out. Not having phones in class has been WONDERFUL! This week has been filled with learning, laughter, and precious moments! I can't count how many acts of kindness I saw take place, but my heart has been full. Please check out the pictures I've attached in a word document to this email.
Thank you for sharing your children with us!
Here are some things to take note of:
1) I've emailed a corrected Zoom Links Form- please save it for days you may need it
2) We have 30 students taking pottery throughout the week, if you are able to- please send in clay! USe this link: Pottery Clay - 50 lbs of Mid-High Fire White Cone 6-10 Dover - Rocky Mountain Clay
3) Thanks to a fearless parent volunteer our Instagram page is working and posting! Please like and follow!
4) Final payments for the Boston trip are due tomorrow
5) It's official! Any student that attends a private school with less than 200 students (TCS qualifies) CAN play sports at their district school (if they make the team) so long as their private school doesn't already offer that sport.
6) Cheer Practice starts Monday August 26th. After school until 5pm. Practice will be on every Monday for now. Tuesday cheer meetings will be announced as they come up.
7) Any parents interested in joining/forming/growing the PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) please contact Dani Newbauer: 843-263-9771 through TEXT please. Thanks!
8) We are having our first annual Free Tuition Raffle! Tickets are $100. The drawing is scheduled for September 16th. Families who have already paid will be reimbursed. Please share the attached tickets on social media, with friends, and with families!
When I come out for dismissal on Monday, I will have the Raffle tickets with me. If you want a paper copy just unroll your window and flag me down :)